Frequently Asked Questions

How to create offers?

Creating offers is the first step to promote your store to generate traffic and sales. 

Follow the below steps to create offers:

1. Login to your LinkMyDeals Dashboard

2. Click on Offers> Create Offers.

3. Fill all the necessary details like: Title, Description, Code, Validity etc.

and that's it!

Pending offers: Once you have created the offers, these offers will be first shared with our data team for verification and approval.

Active offers: In active offers, you can see all the active/approved offers for your store which your publishers are promoting on their Coupon/Cashback websites.

In case your store is not subscribed by any publisher, your coupons will not be approved/active and hence, those coupons will reflect in pending offers. To make your store offers active and available to all the publishers you can subscribe to the "Promote Store" plan from here:

 Last Updated 2 years ago

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