Frequently Asked Questions

How to Fetch Affiliate IDs

For fetching AdmitAd ID check:

For fetching Ebay ID check:

For all other affiliate programs:

Each affiliate network/program has your ID mentioned in their respective default/base URL. This ID is mentioned after certain fixed parameter in URL and ends with the end of URL or with the '&' i.e. the start of another parameter. This is in all regular cases; note that there may be exceptions. Few examples of above are as follows:

  • For Awin: awinaffid=
  • For Rakuten / Linkshare = id=
  • For Viglink: key=
  • For ShareASale: u=
  • For Webgains: wgcampaignid=
  • For vCommission, Icubeswire & Clickonik: aff_id=
  • For Optimise: AID=
  • For Cuelinks:pub_id= (as given on
  • For TradeTracker, Affoy & Opicle: a=
  • For ConversionX: pub_id=
  • For INRDeals: id=
  • For AdRecord: c=
  • For Banggood: p=
  • For Flipkart: affid=
  • For Amazon: tag= 
  • For Flexoffers: trid=
  • For Ecomnia: publisherkey=
  • For BrandReward: key
  • For Skimlinks: id=
  • For Branmark: pub_id= 
  • For Cloudways: id= and so on.

Exceptions to URL based method:

  1. DGM: Simply copy your Dg-Affiliate-Id mentioned in the 'Coupons' section of the dgmPerform dashboard.
  2. Impact: Use your Account ID (numerical) mentioned after clicking on your name in the top bar.
  3. SocialSoul: Login in to your SocialSoul account > Selling Tools > Marketing Channels > SOURCEID (Your Source ID refers to the affiliate ID that you need to insert in LinkMyDeals)
  4. Groupon: Use Affiliate ID. Login > My Account > Account Profile > Affiliate ID
  5. Commission Factory: Log in to your Commission Factory control panel> Click on the "Profile" icon in the header> The number listed below your name is your Commission Factory affiliate ID.

For more queries, drop in a new ticket to support.

Help Topics: General Inquiry

 Last Updated 3 months ago

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