Frequently Asked Questions

I am not getting any "deal" in CouponXL / CouponXXL

CouponXL and CouponXXL use slightly different terminology for Coupons & Deals than what we typically use in Indian ecommerce industry.

These themes have the following types of offers:

  • Coupon --> Coupon with Code
  • Coupon --> Coupon for Sale
  • Coupon --> Printable Coupon
  • Deal

In CouponXL, a "Deal" is something that is "purchasable". Like the way Groupon or operates. So people will have to buy a deal from your website and then use it on actual store or website.

An example of CouponXL's deal is like, your visitor can buy a Dominos' deal for Rs.50/- (by paying at your website) and then use it to get 40% OFF on dominos. These kinds of "purchasable deals" are not given in the Indian market to coupon websites.

To understand this further, please go to your WordPress Dashboard and try to create a deal manually. In the "Deal Information" section, it will ask you for fields like "Deal Items", "Sale Price", etc which are for purchasable deals. These are not for deals like the ones given by Indian Ecommerce stores.


For the Indian coupon websites, what we call deal is actually listed in CouponXL as "Coupon for Sale".

See screenshot below:


So for Indian Coupon websites, you will always create offers in CouponXL using the type as "Coupon". And in the Coupon Information section, you will need to specify either "Coupon with Code" or "Coupon for Sale".

Hope this clears the confusion.

 Last Updated a year ago

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