Frequently Asked Questions

Finding TradeDoubler Network API keys

Login to your TradeDoubler Account

Note: If you are on TradeDoubler's old publisher platform, then you need to switch to the new interface right now.

Click on "Go to new interface" and you'll be redirected to it.

Login to your TradeDoubler account > Tools > API Info > Clients.

  1. Find client_secret key 
    1. Case 1: You do not have a Client ID
      1. Create a new Client ID 
      2. Once you have created a client ID, you will see a key on the same screen. Copy that key
      3. Go to CouponAPI > Network API keys > Tradeboubler > Past it in "client_secret"
    2. Case 2: You already have a client ID
      1. Delete the existing client ID and create a new one.
      2. Once you have created a client ID, you will see a key on the same screen. Copy that key
      3. Go to CouponAPI > Network API keys > Tradeboubler > Past it in "client_secret"
  2. Find client_id key
    1. Go to the same page (Accounts > Clients) and copy the alphanumeric ID under the ID column.
    2. Go to CouponAPI > Network API keys > Tradeboubler > Past it in "client_id"

 Last Updated a year ago

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